Saturday, May 3, 2008

What's going on in the world of Jenn?

since i have some time on the computer for once with no one trying to get on after me i thought i'd take a bit of time to fill you all in on what i've been up to the last couple days. so every sector in peace corps has an early service training usually during the first couple months after volunteers have moved to post and then an in-service training a couple months after that. one of the big differences between the two is that early service training is just for us volunteers and the in service training we bring our homologues with us as well. this means that our inservce training is done all in french, which let me tell you was hard, very hard. so i have spent the last three or so days in the village of Lokossa learning about this new technique called PD Hearth. Basically this technique is based on finding someone in our villages who is doing things right, like their baby is at a healthy weight and they have all their vaccinations and what not and usuing them to teach sessions to women who aren't doing it right. we talked about things like why this would work, how to find a good teacher mother and how to motivate woman. the man who came with me, my supervisor, doesn't seem to be too impressed with the program. he doesn't think it'll be possible to get the women motivated to attend these teaching sessions which take place for 12 days. which is partly true, movtivating and organizing people hear seems to be the hardest part in getting anything up and running. same with anywhere is suppose.
this has been an incredibly stressful couple of days for me because well, i hate my supervisor. he's not helpful, he thinks himself better than others, well at least other women and i get this feeling that often he wants nothing to do with me. so having to see and work with him directly for these couple of days has been crappy. one good thing to come out of this was that he was this way towards others around me, so now they know that it isn't just me whining. he really ticked off admin because he left the confrence early without telling anyone. we came in for the last session and everyone was there but him. what an ass!
in other news i am going to be traveling even more. tomorrow i leave to go up to nattitangou which is in the north west side of the country. it is, in my opinion, the most beautiful region of the country. one of the volunteers who lives up there lives near these waterfalls and she has intevent this game to play with elementary school kids to teach them hygine. she has been cool enough to invite all of us up to hear place to show us this game and let us have some fun at the waterfalls.
i guess that's all i've been up to really. i'm pissed to say that my camera is dying. my zoom button broke who knows what's next.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

blog some more betch!

I'll be in ireland all this week with a day in northern ireland as well and trhen off to scotland for the wedding. i'll think of you fondly.