Monday, September 8, 2008

Once More Before I Go

So I'm heading back up to post today, well at least back to Kandi. I don't know if I'll make it back up to Anagara today or tomorrow due to the fact that I want to get some stuff done while I'm there and I'd rather do it all at once then go home come back into town and then go back. So what am I doing you ask? I am trying to get a radio program up and running in Kandi. I've had the opportunity to help out Meagan, another PC volunteer, with hers and I really feel that it is something pay attention to and get something out of. I've approached the boss of the radio station before and he like the idea, but he needed to talk it over with other people at the radio station he said. Fair enough, well he also said that since I don't have cell phone reception that one of the men he works with will stop by in my village and talk to me since he lives in a village just past mine. Very cool, i thought. Well he never showed up, very typical and very frustrating. When he didn't show up I decided not to pursue it anymore for awhile because I knew I'd be traveling and be gone for awhile, which makes getting things started rougher than they already are. So now that I'm back this is at the top of my priority list. Keep your fingers crossed.

Not much else to report. The anniversary party and swearing in ceremony of new volunteers was nice. I'm glad I went and saw everyone but I definetly could have done without comming down so early. As it is, I have now been away from post for over a week and I am ready to go home, lol. I have to travel down to Cotonou at the beginning of October for a midservice medical exam that all volunteer have to go through half way through their service, fun fun. And then I'm staying down there because PC recieved funding from someone to have us and someone from our village recieve hiv/aids training. So basically I am going to be gone from post again for two weeks next month. it defiently makes getting things done a bit harder.

I guess that's all from here for now. Not sure if I'll get a chance to update again before I head down south in Oct. But until next time...

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