Wednesday, April 8, 2009

So I said a couple posts back that I would try and catch you all up on my comming and goings during those months when I didn't post, so here is my first attempt.

So I was lucky enough to participate in two Thanksgiving dinners this year. The first first of which was the unplanned one. Thanksgiving fell not long after a two days AIDS workshop I had held in my village (I will talk about this in another post) and so I was busy running around trying to wrap up everything for that as well as get things ready for Thanksgiving dinner. Because I had to go down to Parakou to make some color prints (how sad that the closest color printer to me is four hours away, but that's another can of worms) I said that I would also pick up veggies while I was there. (Again how sad that I have to travel 4 hours to get vegetables) I wasn't looking forward to the trip but it's a necessary evil and I veiwed it as such. I don't remember why but I ended up going down with Noel instead of taking a taxi. I thought going with Noel in a Peace Corps vehicle the trip shouldn't take no time at all. WRONG! We made so many stops along the way that the normal 4 hour trip ended up taking around 7! By the time we rolled into Parakou it was already getting dark and I had about a half hour to get to the store and pick up some of the things I needed. My plan had originally been to get back up to my post after buying all the stuff the same day because I had to work the following morning, however getting into Parakou so late threw that plan out the window. However also saying in Parakou at this time were all the TFL volunteer (english teachers) they were all together for a Peace Corps training which happend to fall during Thanksgiving so they were using the workstation to fix dinner. And what a wonderful dinner it was too. Turkey legs, fruit salad, green bean casserole and so much more that i have forgotten by now. The next day I woke up early enough to finish all the work I had come to Parakou to do and then catch a taxi back up to Kandi to celebrate what came to be my second Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving last year was amazing and it was mostly due to the work of the older volunteers. They had planned ahead and asked their familys back home in America to send the "traditional" foods associated with Thanksgiving. This year we wanted to make Thanksgiving as nice for the new volunteers as the older volunteers made it for us last year. So between Meagan, Alex and I we asked our families to send us the things we each felt we needed to have a great Thanksgiving. Meagan took care of the stuffing and pecan pie, Alex found and cooked the turkey and thanks to my wonderful family I was able to provide the pumpkin and cherry pies as well as cranberry sauce.

Here I am after making the pumpkin pie, I am about to put into the oven.

Ryan and Alex were in charge of the turkey this year.

Me showing off part of our delicious dinner.

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