Friday, June 5, 2009

Chick Killer (Random Story)

So a couple months back I was doing laundry at my house. Now doing laundry entails a large basin (metal bowl) filled part way with water, some powdered soap bought at local market, my pile of dirty clothes and me sitting out on my front porch with them scrubbing them by hand. So I had finished up with my laundry for the day but decided not to toss out my rinse water so that I could use it later that evening to wash my feet off before going to bed. (I wear sandles all day while walking in the dirt and sand, washing feet helps keep sheets cleaner longer) I left the basin outside while I went about the rest of my day. That night when I came back the basin was still there, but I noticed something floating inside. For a moment I thought I had left some clothes in there to soak since I do do that from time to time. I go over to look and inside were baby chick. I empty out the water and count the bodies of 5 babies chicks that I for some reason or another decided to jump into my basine.


Good Earth said...

What, is this some kind of cliff hanger ending, to be continued?

Unknown said...

CHICK KILLER! lol. Im sorry that sucks. I would be super sad, but the good news is at least you didnt was your feet in the dead baby chick water lol.