Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Benin is making me afraid of the dark

So about two nights ago I couldn’t really sleep. Not that is anything new because now that it is getting hotter I’ve noticed that I don’t sleep real well. Anyway, I was tossing and turning trying to fall back asleep when I heard a rustling noise around my door. A little freaked out I couldn’t deicide on what to do. My lantern was next to my bed because I read before I go to bed, but my matches were near my door and thus near the noise. Thankfully the other day I noticed that I had a book of them in my kitchen cabinet so I carefully got out of my bed, I didn’t want to frighten whatever it was making the noise, and made my way into the kitchen and fumbled through my cabinet until I found the matches. Lighting up the lantern I look around my walls and ceiling, which has become a habit of mine. Why you may ask? Because you never know what is creeping and crawling around and at various time I have found various insects (spiders, cockroaches) on my walls. Sure enough, I saw the biggest “spider” of my entire life. It had to be at least 4 minutes long. I was torn, do I try and kill this scary scary monster in front of me or do I go and investigate the noise I in my living room/bedroom. I attempt to kill my “spider” but it moves to fast and I can’t reach it. So I decide to investigate the creature in my living room. I take my broom and hit my screen door. Nothing runs out, so some of my fears of giant rats are gone. So I use my broom to push open the screen door and again I don’t see anything. I would have left it at that and gone back to bed except for the “thing” in my kitchen. My bug killer was outside; going to open the door I look down and guess what was there? A lizard, I hadn’t imagined hearing noises. I can deal with a lizard more than I can a mouse or god forbid a rat. Anyway, I go and get the bug spray and armed with it in one hand and my lantern in the other I go in search of my “spider”. It had moved while I was gone but with the spray I could still get it. I sprayed it once and it fell onto my kitchen table but the damn thing was able to crawl right back up. I spray it again, and it falls to the table once again, it still doesn’t die right away instead it crawls away under my stove. With that much poison on it, I was convinced that it had crawled under my stove to die. I went to bed. The next morning while lying in bed I see something out of the corner of my eye on the floor in my kitchen. I think at first that it’s a mouse or a lizard. Putting shoes on (shoes always make me feel more secure when killing something) I grab my broom once again and go to investigate. Thankfully it is neither; it is instead the “spider” from last night. I couldn’t tell if it was dead or not so found something heavy to drop on it. Satisfied that it was dead I found a piece of paper to pick it up. It had 10 legs so it couldn’t be a spider. And if it wasn’t at least 4-5 inches long I’d be surprised. The body on the thing was huge and I could even see the hairs on its leg. So what hell was this thing that I killed? I took a picture of it, but I don’t have a way to load it up right now. I will try and show you all soon. Things like this are making me afraid of the dark.

1 comment:

D Morgan said...

Becky has come up with the conclusion that since spiders do not have ten legs, two of them must of been fangs!!! Lol!Which of course is not a good thing! To think we were worried about lions!

Ilove/miss you terribly!