Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Working or Should I Say Not Working in Africa

Who knew I would be posting again so quickly, not me that is for sure. but today has been an annoying day so i thought i would share it with you all to get a hint of the frustration peace corps volunteers often face. i am not even really sure where to begin. i guess i zill start with what happend today. you see, once in the beginning and once midway through our service our pc bosses will come up to our village and ask us a bunch of questions regarding everything from safety and security issues, to the type of work we are doing to asking us to talk about our cultural integration. After we finish up we go and meet with our in village bosses to discuss the kind of work we are doing, what problems they are having and what not. today was my meeting. it started out ok. i told them about how much of a struggle it was to get any work and how unless i do everything and pretty much hand it to my work partners it doesnt get done. i know we talked about a bunch of things and not all totally work related some had to do with peace corps and their training of us; what works and what doesnt, that sort of thing. my biggest issue in that regard had to do with language training, unfortunatly i did not really have any ways that i thought they could do it better. so after we finished talking at my house we went over to my health center where my me, my pc boss and another staff member met zith my village boss, the nurse and doctor of my health center. it totally felt like a parent teacher confrence. this is where things began to get uncomfortable. after talking and talking it came out that basically they were dissapointed in me as a volunteer because i was not doing the work they wanted me to do or thought i should be doing. this pissed me off because not once in the 14 months i have been here have they ever mentioned any work for me to do. for example, there are people who work with the health center by going out to other villages and give lessons over various health issues; they want me to be going to these and helping out. this meeting was the first time i even heard that they did this. i knew that water is a problem in my village so i offered to look into building a well for them. when i brought this decision to them they did not seem excited at all. they were very much whatever. today they bring up to my pc boss that water is a problem and they want to know if it is possible for pc to help build a water pu,p of some kind. did they tell me they wanted/needed this, no. it is times like this that i want to just wash my hands of it all and be like whatever, i am going home. i know that is not the answer though. i will keep you all posted as to what happens next.

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

There are not "official houses." Peace Corps here won't allow them, but most of the major towns do have a place you can stay for a fee. I'm obviously in Bamako and my house (I share it with two other PCV's) ends up being where people usually stay. There also is one in Sikasso i believe, San, maybe Segou?, Kita, and I think Gao...but I'm not entirely sure.

When are you coming?