Monday, March 9, 2009

Don't Hate Me Cause I Don't Update

Yes, it has been forever and a day since I've written an honest to goodness update on this damn thing. Are there reasons for the delay? yes. Excuses? Plenty of those to, but I'm going to try and remedy some of that right now. I figured I'd tell you all about what I've been up to here just recently and then back track and cover what I did during the past couple months of no blogs. I hope that will satisfy all of you.

So February was the longest month of my life. For being the shorest month we go through it seemed to last ages and ages. The first two weeks rocked as I spent them on my first African vacation. Me and three other volunteer friends spent two weeks visiting Niger, Burkina Faso and Mali. I will come back on another post and talk about the vacation but for now I'll just bring you all up to speed as to where I'm at now. So after getting back from my vacation I had a roughly a week to get my shit together for training activity I had planned over nutrition/malnutrition at my local middle school. This activity is the first of nine or ten I plan to hold over the next couple months in middle schools around my area. Again I'll post more specific information/reflections at a later date. The week following the training activity was forever long because the kids were on school break (they have more breaks than anyone i've ever heard of) so I had no girls club to help break up the week and I wasn't able to host a nutrition activity at any of the schools during that time because with the kids on holiday none of them would be around.

That bring us up to March, which could prove to be an incredibly busy month. Already I have held another of my nutrition activities which went suprisingly well. And I have schedule at least one more for this month and am working on the second. Also this month is the GAD dinner/auction. I talked about it last year a lot. If you remember me and another volunteer participated in a date auction and ended up going on a "date" with a fellow volunteer that included a car ride and appetizers. I know there is a picture of it some where in the old blog enteries. Anyway, it's that time of year again so we will all be getting together to eat, drink and raise money for GAD (Gendar and Development fund). And of course at the end of the month is my birthday. No plans as of yet as to how i'm going to celbrate it. But something will come up. If nothing else I'll be here in Kandi making pizza and watch movies and just hanging out. What won't be happening is me alone in my house, so not cool.

This month also had me going to Nikki this month to celebrate their annual Gahnine fete. It is a traditional fete (party/holiday) that is held every year around this time. The actual date of the event changes because it is based on the lunar calendar cycle so outsiders like us are always having to consult with the locals as to when it is. There is a volunteer who lives in Nikki and he was nice enough to open his house to us all for the duration of this celebration. I can't remember the specifics regarding the fete right now, but later when I am able to post pictures I will fill you all in.

So I guess that's all for now. I know this wasn't a terribly good post, but a rough over view to let you know kinda what I've been up to and what I will be up to this month. More will come soon I promise.

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