Sunday, July 15, 2007

Is it really worth it?

lets try this again. how sad is it that my first three blogs on this thing are just me trying to figure it out.


Unknown said...

Jenn! You have a blog! And you are going to Africa! How awesome is that? I wish I was doing something interesting enough to warrant a blog!

Janet said...

Hiya Jenn! I'm so glad you got this set up. I'll be checking it regularly so I hope you can too from wherever you are. We're thinking of you! I know you will be fine though... You're mom would be proud. Sad, but proud :)
love ya!

D Morgan said...

You make me so proud!
I know you always think I say nice things to you to make you feel good, but they always come from my heart and really mean them all!

It already feels empty without you here, and I miss you badly already!

Uncle Gdog